There is power in the Name (1).

There is power in the Name (1).

Some people ask what is in a name. A lot!

🎯Names are supposed to be powerful indicators.


🎯Consider Moses: He was named Moses because he was drawn from water.

💥For the rest of his life, water kept on playing significant roles.


💥He changed water to blood; he opened a way through the Red Sea; at Marah, he changed bitter water to drinkable water; he was the one God used to bring water from a rock; and it was in trying to get water for the Israelites that he offended God and missed the Promised Land.

🎯Jacob: God had to change the name Jacob to Israel because of who he was to become.

🎯Peter: He changed the name of Simon to Peter.


🎯If names mean nothing, God would not change them; He is not a frivolous God.

🎯Of course the name of the Lord is not an ordinary name; it is a powerful name we can tap power from.

🎯The Scripture made us aware that to reward Jesus Christ for His sacrifice of dying on the Cross, God gave Him a Name – a name so powerful, that at the mention of it all knees should bow.

💥The Bible calls him The All Sufficient One, the God Who is more than enough – Jehovah El Shaddai


💥 Believing that increases our faith that there is nothing we want, which is impossible for Him to do.

– From a sermon by Pastor E.A Adeboye, with the theme “Strong Tower”, at RCCG Abuja Special Holy Ghost Service. (Transcribed by The Discovery Media Crew)

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