God Tag

We sometimes become discouraged because the Lord didn’t keep a promise the way you expected. 🎯The problem is not God’s faithfulness to His Word but our understanding of Scripture or our impatience 🎯God does not live in...

This looks, at first, like a sad story but God’s ways are not our ways. 💥Vincent’s passion for ministry led him from Holland to the Belgian coalfields where he preached to miners, fed the hungry, and...

🎯At times ungodly people appear to triumph over the righteous, and it makes us scratch our heads, wondering why the Lord doesn’t intervene. 🎯But the truth is, He often uses the wicked to accomplish His purpose. 💥Joseph...

God said, “Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass.” 🎯Here is an example: One day a businessman called his wife to say that he was...

There is the temptation to indulge in self-praise when we survive hard times instead of saying “that must be God.” 🎯When Elijah announced the abundance of rain after the Mt Carmel challenge the people must have...

All the resources of the universe God created are His, but the Scripture takes particular notice of His mercy. It says God is rich in mercy. 🎯It is by His mercy that we are not consumed...

When God has a hand in our affairs or situation we are keyed to enjoy His unlimited power. 💥There are many examples Divine Involvement in the Scriptures. 🎯Physically, a disease may appear incurable but His involvement in...

God has not called us to be a reservoir that stores up all His blessings for yourself, but a river that carries His blessing to others. 🎯Many people know how to get, but do not give. 🎯Sadly,...

When God’s fire falls, it leaves profound, life-changing effects. 🎯The Fire usually falls in response to prayers or sacrifices. 🎯During the Mt Carmel challenge between the prophets of Baal and Elijah, there was no fire to the...

Hardship, adversity, suffering have become part of life, and so has endurance become a success factor. 🎯The principles for enduring suffering include remembering the purpose it serves, which is why God allowed it. 🎯Going back to the...