bible Tag

The Almighty God, who created the universe out of nothing, is able to make unknown persons great. 🎯Elijah, the great prophet was first introduced in the Scripture as Elijah the Thisbite, no mention of his father’s...

Josh McDowell, who has spoken to millions of university students worldwide and authored scores of books, began his lifetime of service to Christ in a more humble fashion. 🎯His first assignment at the headquarters of Campus...

In is an inevitable part of life and growth; but is has beneficial part! 🎯It lets you know when there’s something wrong in your body that needs to be made right. 🎯It forces you to acknowledge a...

As we look at the world, it can seem that Satan is winning. 🎯Believers may seem defeated, discouraged, divided, and outnumbered. 🎯But the fact is that Satan already is a defeated foe. 🎯The Bible says that the devil...

Some people ask what is in a name. A lot! 🎯Names are supposed to be powerful indicators. 🎯Consider Moses: He was named Moses because he was drawn from water. 💥For the rest of his life, water kept on...

“When they go low, we go high” is a phrase credited to Michelle Obama, who used it during the campaign of the 2016 elections in the US, when the Republican Party was getting personal in...

The Bible describes dream as vision of the night; in it one enjoys the blessing of the future before it arrives. đź’ĄAmong other things, it opens the door to divine visitation; for conversation with God; and...