Life Matters

Let’s be sincere about this. Under normal human circumstances, or practically, if a busy male executive has a bank marketer waiting for him, is he more likely to be willing to see a beautiful lady...

We don’t know how it happens, but we all know how tired we become after thinking hard or using the brain for a long time. Scientists say difficult tasks can lead to build-up of a signalling...

A marriage is a living family system.  Like all living things, it can get infected with toxic agents that result in its death. Immunities provide a means to combat potential infectious agents.  This article is...

In Nigerian polygamous marriages and in those where the men seem to be licensed to engage in extra-marital affairs, the lonely population could be higher.   According to Wikipedia, loneliness is a complex and usually unpleasant emotional...

In finding the cause of male infidelity in relations, many therapists look for clues the lack of or like poor communication between man and woman. They say that in cold of a communication breakdown both...

The longest distance ever travelled by a man is said to have been done at a spot. According to Bishop T.D. Jakes, a gifted preacher, author and filmmaker, it was done when the prodigal son...

“That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent,” says a Chinese Proverb. We all worry from time...

No matter the form it takes, temptation is a fairly standard process to get us off track. And it is as effective as ever. According to experts, it kicks off when we begin to think...