The calm in the storm we fear.

The calm in the storm we fear.

Storms are not what they first look like – dreadful!

🎯Beverly LaHaye was terrified when her husband Tim began taking flying lessons.


🎯 ‘Right away I started giving God my opinion and drawing my own conclusions. Fear was controlling me,’ she wrote.

🎯Tim told her to pray about it and just be open to the Lord. ‘Let Him know you’re afraid of flying, but that you’re willing to be changed.’


🎯She did—but there was no overnight miracle.

🎯She had to continually give her fear of flying to God. But it worked!

🎯Years later, when they were flying through a violent storm in a small plane, Tim noticed that, while he was sweating it out, Beverly was fast asleep.


🎯When they landed, he asked her, ‘How could you sleep so peacefully?’

🎯She replied, ‘It’s God; only He could have brought me to the place where I could fly through that and be at peace.’

🎯Sometimes God calms the storm, but most of the time He lets it rage—and calms us!

We should not be discouraged when we have to turn our fears over to God, again and again.That’s how trust is learned.


💥The scripture tells us that knowing that Jesus cares for you, cast all your cares on Him, continually, the moment they raise their voices, before ever they take control of you.

💥And: ‘Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything… if you do this you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.’


– Bob Gass

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1 Comment
    Posted at 11:26h, 19 December

    The storm is normal life occurance,without which we won’t know the powers that are inherent in serving God,If there is no storm,life won’t be sweet,so when one is in the storm,be happy that your God has knowledge of it and align with Him,He will surely see you through because that is one of His promises.