Bob Gass Tag

It takes a long time and an incredible amount of pressure to turn a worthless piece of carbon into a valuable diamond. 🎯The Scriptures say: ‘When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an...

We sometimes fantasise about solutions to problems we fear may or will come our way. 🎯When we do, what started out as an unfounded fear can turn into a real problem because we expended energy on...

Fear can be devastating because it breeds more fear! 💥And the most insidious thing about fear is its ability to exaggerate. 🎯C. Everett Koop, former surgeon general of the United States, observed, ‘People just have an inappropriate...

When we see people who appear confident, have everything together, and don’t seem to be shaken by whatever life throws at them, we might assume that they never feel fear. 🎯But the truth is that despite...

The story’s told of a clock that spent a great deal of time worrying about its future, reasoning that it had to tick twice each second. ‘How much ticking might that be?’ the clock thought. 🎯So it...

Mr. Pearl Wait lost so much when he could not wait on God. 🎯The American company Jell-O celebrated its one-hundredth anniversary in 1997, but if the inventor had still been alive, he would probably have taken...

You will know that your job is your ‘calling’ when you do what you love, and love what you do. 🎯You were wired by God for a purpose; gifted to do something great. 🎯It may look small...

At the birth of a baby giraffe, the first parts to emerge are its front hooves and head. 🎯Then the entire calf appears, tumbles three metres to the ground, and lands on its back. 🎯Within seconds the...

Our common origin stresses the need to show love for one another; to live as brothers and sisters. 🎯A quote from a 1995 issue of U.S. News & World Report reads: ‘Researchers suggest that virtually all...

In Mount Hope Cemetery, Hiawatha, Kansas, US, there are several large gravestones erected by John Milburn Davis. 🎯Davis began his working life as a lowly hired hand and managed to amass a considerable fortune. 🎯In the process,...