And The Fire Fell!

And The Fire Fell!

When God’s fire falls, it leaves profound, life-changing effects.

🎯The Fire usually falls in response to prayers or sacrifices.


🎯During the Mt Carmel challenge between the prophets of Baal and Elijah, there was no fire to the hours of prayers to Baal.

💥But when the fire fell immediately to Elijah’s sacrifice, there was no doubt about the power of the one and only God


🎯When it fell, the fire consumed the sacrifice to confirm acceptance and affirm God’s superiority.

💥Not all sacrifices are accepted by God and when He accepts sacrifices given cheerfully,it should be taken as an honour.

🎯Usually, fire falls when a sacrifice is accepted; it fell on Solomon’s big sacrifice


🎯In Elijah’s case, the fire consumed the wood, itself a potential fire

🎯The fire consumed even the stones. Stones are symbolic of hardship, poverty and lack so when fire falls on our sacrifice it is life-changing.

💥For those with stone hearts, it changes them into loving children of God

🎯Water is used to put out fire but in a reverse role, the sacrifice consumed the water at the site of the sacrifice.


💥It is the same way God dries our tears when His fire falls on our sacrifice.

🎯Consuming the dust at the site also signifies the healing effect of the fire in our bodies, created from dust.

🎯Revival follows the fall of God’s fire. On Mt Carmel all the people there fell on their faces in awe of the power of God.

🎯But fire will only fall on the sacrifices of the children of God, who have surrendered their lives to Him



– From a sermon by Pastor Enoch Adeboye at RCCG Online Sunday Service yesterday

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