When Mr Wait didn’t wait !

When Mr Wait didn’t wait !

Mr. Pearl Wait lost so much when he could not wait on God.

🎯The American company Jell-O celebrated its one-hundredth anniversary in 1997, but if the inventor had still been alive, he would probably have taken little comfort in his product’s success.


🎯In 1897 Pearl Wait wore many hats. He was a construction worker who also experimented in patent medicines, and he went door to door selling his therapies.

🎯In the midst of tinkering and experimenting, he hit upon the idea of mixing fruit flavouring with granulated gelatin.


🎯His wife promptly named it Jell-O, and Wait had one more product to peddle.

🎯Unfortunately, the initial sales of his jiggly snack were not as strong as he hoped, so he ended up selling his Jell-O rights to Orator Woodward for the paltry sum of $450.

🎯Woodward was a savvy businessman. He knew the value of marketing, and within eight years he’d turned a $450 investment into a million-dollar business.


🎯Today, not a single relative of Pearl Wait receives one cent from the one-million-plus boxes of Jell-O sold every day.

🎯Why not? Because Wait couldn’t wait!

🎯There’s no such thing as instant success, with either people or problems.

🎯Whether you need to lose ten kilos or one hundred kilos, the weight can only be shed one kilogram at a time.


🎯Standing on top of the mountain is a thrill, but you can only get up there one step at a time.

🎯Nothing great is created suddenly; almost every significant success in life comes at the end of a long, arduous wait.

🎯And unless you accept that truth, you’ll give up too soon and settle far short of the success God has in mind for you.

🎯The scripture says ‘At the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.’



– With Bob Gass Ministry

1 Comment
    Posted at 20:02h, 23 March

    Bob,you are right absolutely,the Lord is your strenght .