Spiritual vacation is dangerous!

Spiritual vacation is dangerous!

When King David was fifty years old, he had been ruling Israel for twenty years.

🎯He had gone from victory to victory. He had distinguished himself in so many ways: man of God, skilled musician, gifted poet, wise and compassionate ruler, and a man of great courage.


🎯And that’s when the devil hit him.

🎯When things are going well, that’s usually when the devil attacks.


🎯When there is no illness, when there are no unpaid bills, when there isn’t a crisis we’re facing, we may not hang on to the Lord as tightly as we once did.

🎯On the other hand, when we’re going through a crisis, we’re dependent on God..

🎯Maybe it’s even one of the best times of our lives spiritually because we’ve never been closer to Christ.


🎯When David was facing the giant Goliath, he was trusting in the Lord.

💥When David was running from Saul while he hunted him down like a wild dog, he was calling out to God.

💥When he was anointed as Israel’s king and ascended the throne, he prayed for God’s help.

🎯But twenty years had gone by, and David was kicking back and taking somewhat of a spiritual vacation from God, which never works.


💥So the devil attacked. David had set himself up for this particular attack, because in direct disobedience to God, he took concubines.

🎯Spiritual vacation backfires!


– With Greg Laurie

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