Making your life count for God!

Making your life count for God!

In Mount Hope Cemetery, Hiawatha, Kansas, US, there are several large gravestones erected by John Milburn Davis.

🎯Davis began his working life as a lowly hired hand and managed to amass a considerable fortune.


🎯In the process, he didn’t make many friends.

🎯Nor was he close to his wife’s family, since they thought she had married beneath herself.


🎯Embittered, he vowed not to leave them a cent.

🎯When his wife died, Davis erected an elaborate statue depicting her sitting with him on opposite sides of a love seat.

🎯He was so pleased with it that he planned a second monument, showing his wife kneeling to place a wreath at his future graveside.


🎯Then he had a sculptor place a set of wings on her back.

🎯One idea led to another, until he had spent a quarter-of-a-million dollars on tributes to his wife and himself.

🎯When people asked him to contribute to the local hospital, or a swimming pool for children, the old miser would say, ‘What’s this town ever done for me?’

🎯Davis spent his life’s fortune on statues and died at ninety-two as a lonely, grim-faced resident of the workhouse.


🎯And what happened to his monuments?

🎯Each and every one of them is slowly sinking into the Kansas soil – victims of time, vandalism, and neglect; memorials to spite and self-centred living.

🎯There’s a certain poetic justice in the fact that, within a few years, they’ll all be gone.

💥Only one person attended farmer Davis’ funeral—Horace England, the tombstone salesman!


🎯We are blessed to bless others in a cycle of blessing; and to support the work of God

🎯We should make our lives count for God!


– With Bob Gass Ministry

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