It may be a Setup.

It may be a Setup.

For children of God, nothing randomly happens in life.

🎯Everything has been carefully orchestrated – even the good and the bad, the blessings and the disappointments.


🎯Even in times where we’ve failed and made mistakes, God has already planned how to restore us and get us back on course.

🎯God has ordered your steps; your life is divinely orchestrated.


🎯Stay in faith when people betray you.

🎯Do the right thing when the wrong thing is happening.

🎯Your time is coming and what God has ordained will come to pass!


🎯No person, situation, or thing can stop what God has ordained for your life!

🎯From a pit, he was sold into slavery and from there to prison; but all that must have been divinely orchestrated for Joseph to be Prime Minister in Egypt.

🎯Don’t give up when something unpleasant happens; it may be a setup!

– With Joel Osteen

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