Essentials of Divine Lifting! 

Essentials of Divine Lifting! 

Strongman Samson’s story is often headlined as “Samson and Delilah” because of how blind love led to his ruin.

🎯But beneath the headline are many powerful takeaways: Samson was anointed to be a judge and he was blessed with exceptional strength, which he used to defeat his enemies.


🎯In one case, he own people bound him and handed him over to his enemies,

💥But “the Spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon him; the ropes on his arms became like charred flax, and the bindings dropped from his hands. (Then), finding a fresh jawbone of a donkey, he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men.”


After that he praised himself for the victory and complained of thirst, but God provided him water.

🎯In spite of all God did for Samson, almost pampering him, he was not known to show appreciation; not known for giving thanks, praising God – unlike heroes like Hezekiah, David, Solomon .

🎯In the Scripture the “praise singers” received more blessing and became heroes.


💥“As long as your hands are lifted in praise and thanksgiving, you will keep on rising.”

🎯When we are grateful to God for what He has done, He does more: as in the case of Solomon’s uncommon 100,000 burnt offerings.

💥That night, God appeared to him in a dream and said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”

🎯But when were are ungrateful to God, He can withdraw what He has given us, as in the case of King Saul.


💥Even while he was on the throne, another king was anointed

🎯The greatest lesson of gratitude is that however rich and powerful we feel we are, one day – in the valley of the shadow of death – we will need God.

🎯Rather than waiting for that moment, we should surrender to God in appreciation of what He has done for us and continue to serve Him for more.

– From a sermon by Pastor Enoch Adeboye at RCCG Thanksgiving Service, yesterday.

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1 Comment
    Posted at 18:48h, 04 January

    The bottom line is for us to appreciate GOD and HE will do more in our life,there are many ways we can appreciate HIM,either by thanks giving or serving HIM dilligently,refraining from sins that will weigh us down, and therefore,Divine lifting. will continue to be apportioned to us..