When fullness of time is close.

When fullness of time is close.

We might easily pass over this phrase, “Fullness of Time,” which feels abstract and difficult to grasp.

🎯But it’s important because it signifies that there are key events and much preparation behind major breaks in life.


🎯There is time for everything and nothing just happens.

🎯The fullness of time is the moment of glory but sometimes it comes in pains, the type women suffer during child birth.


🎯When we are close to our miracles, our moments of glory or the fullness of time our challenges get tougher.

🎯But it is an indication that we are closer to our promise than we think.

🎯For the Israelites on their way to the Promised Land, the free manna (food) stopped dropping because they were almost at their destination


🎯When you are close to the fullness of time, the devil attacks harder, hell breaks loose

🎯The darkness of the night is thicker

🎯The Manna stops because the weaning starts to mature you for the next level.

🎯It doesn’t mean God has cut off; what is happening is a transition.


🎯Also you are entering a phase where God needs to use your gifts, your faculties; He needs you to focus; to work it out.

🎯That is why it is dangerous to give up too early.

That is why we need God all the way to the fullness of time, and even after.

1 Comment
    Posted at 13:43h, 18 December

    To say the obvious is to wait for GOD’S TIME,His time or timing is the best,because nothing truncates His time.God is always on time,those who are in a hurry miss out on His time,hence the fullness of time is God’s time,not everyone gets to that time,but it is essentially essential to wait unto the fullness of time.It is a time of enduring testimony and it pleases GOD for those who waited.