When dreams aren’t realized!

When dreams aren’t realized!

Sometimes, life doesn’t go the way we plan; our dreams aren’t realized.

🎯But disappointment can become God’s appointment.


💥Forty years had gone by, and Moses hadn’t heard a word from Heaven.

💥Then suddenly one day, as he was watching his father-in-law’s sheep, God called to him from a burning bush.


💥Moses didn’t realize that during the 40 years he was tending those sheep, God was preparing him.

💥He was showing Moses some things that would help him later.

💥Moses had been schooled in the court of Pharaoh, schooled in mathematics, in music, in Egyptian art and literature, and in military tactics.


💥And then he was schooled watching sheep that go astray.

🎯Sometimes we go through things in life that don’t make sense to us.

🎯But we need to remember, as Pastor Chuck Smith once said, that everything in life is preparation for something else.

🎯When something out of the ordinary happens, sometimes it’s the Lord’s way of telling me to pay attention.


🎯What may seem like a coincidence may, in reality, be Providence.

– With Greg Laurie

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