Weakness during temptation

Weakness during temptation

Temptations can come at any time, but they are especially dangerous in periods of weakness because that’s when we’re more prone to yield.

🎯The Scriptures are filled with descriptions of men and women who sinned against the Lord in moments of vulnerability.


🎯These true stories help us to learn from the mistakes of others

🎯While temptations come in a variety of forms, they follow a similar pattern.


🎯David’s sin is a good example of this. His eye looked, his mind desired, and his will acted.

🎯Resistance is difficult in the best of times, but it’s even more of a struggle during periods of anger, emptiness, idleness, or isolation—and that was the case for David, who should have been in battle instead of in Jerusalem.

🎯At the end of the day, no matter what’s creating the vulnerability, each person is responsible for his or her own actions.


🎯In times of weakness, let us remember the acronym “HALT.” 💥Don’t let yourself become too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired.

🎯Most importantly, let us fix your attention on the Lord and draw strength from Him through prayer.

🎯And us Scripture to guard your mind, and the Lord will give us victory over temptation.



– With Dr. Charles Stanley

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