To whom Heavens open (10).

To whom Heavens open (10).

Heavens open to people for special reasons, usually divine. It doesn’t happen casually.

🎯When the Heavens open there is divine visitation. It could be an Angel from God as was the case of Zechariah, and Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.


🎯There are some people who, the Scripture say, went to Heaven without dying, sickness or pain.

💥Enoch and Elijah were taken to God in Heaven; they didn’t die. It pays to be close to God, to be His friend


🎯The Scripture gives a dramatic description of the rapture. People would disappear without taking anything along to go to city paved with gold.Prepare for the rapture cos it happens suddenly.

🎯Divine visitation could be made by God Himself. He visited Moses personally in the burning bush

🎯When God visits personally, it means He stands from His throne. And when He arises, His enemies, who are also your enemies, scatter. He takes over your battles.


🎯But if you are not on the side of God, if you have not surrendered to Him, as He arises for enemies to scatter you will be a victim.

– From a sermon of Pastor Enoch Adeboye at RCCG Sunday Online Service yesterday.

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