Locating God in a storm

Locating God in a storm

There are times when God seems inaccessible. When we pray, we feel abandoned in our circumstances.
🎯And not just abandoned, but terrified and even hopeless.

🎯Apostle Paul understood that feeling. He’d longed for an opportunity to preach in Rome, and was on his way there when a hurricane destroyed his ship.


🎯Paul and 276 others were placed in a life-threatening situation but there was nothing he could do about it.

🎯Feeling a sense of despair, he and his believing companions declared, ‘We finally gave up all hope of being saved!’


🎯Then after fourteen days lost at sea – when the hurricane was fiercest – God sent an angel. ‘Do not be afraid…’

🎯When it looked like Paul’s consuming desire to preach in Rome would be thwarted, God faithfully piloted them through the storm to the exact destination He had planned for them.

🎯There are all kinds of storm – financial, spiritual, health, relationships, career, etc


🎯Whatever trial we ’re facing today, we should know this one thing: we can trust God to carry us through it.

🎯He determines ‘the end from the beginning’, so we will come out of it stronger and wiser.

🎯When we believe, trust and obey God, even our mistakes become the chemistry for our miracles.

🎯Our tests become our testimonies.


– With Bob Gas

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