Life: Most expensive resource! 

Life: Most expensive resource! 

We cannot use the time we’ve lost.

🎯We cannot use the time we’ve wasted!


🎯The only thing we can use, is the time left in life

🎯And the question is what are you going to do with the time you have left?


🎯God has blessed you with too much creativity to live your life stuck in mediocrity…

💥Getting up in the morning and going to bed at night day after day after day seeing absolutely no change!

🎯You cannot be repeating the same thing and expect different results.


🎯You are too gifted by God to be this unhappy!!!!;

🎯Take your life by the throat!! Live it to the fullest!!!

🎯Get the most out of it because right now you are spending the most expensive resource….

🎯You are spending life itself.


💥And it is irreplaceable!!!


With TD Jakes

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