Jobs with the Highest Rates of Depression

Jobs with the Highest Rates of Depression

We are affected by the work that we do. When people explore their career options, one consideration that might come to mind is that some jobs could threaten your physical safety. Careers such as firefighting or the police force have that life-threatening aspect associated with the job. Different jobs come with different risks.

People readily admit that some careers and industries are riskier than others, but sometimes fail to acknowledge that some jobs pose more of a mental health risk than others.


Paying the bills and physical safety are a top priority for the majority of Americans. However, the possibility of job-related mental health issues, such as depression, is something that shouldn’t be ignored.

Studies have shown that some industries have workforces that are far more prone to depression than others.


When considering entering into a field, or if you are already in a depression-prone field, it is important to realize that the nature of one’s work can have a measurable impact on one’s mental health.

So, what do you do about this? First you get informed. If you are considering entering into a line of work that has a higher rate of depression than another, weigh the pros and cons.

If you are already in a depression-prone field, know that the status of your peers’ mental health is a good indicator of your own mental health. No one lives in a vacuum.


Working is, after all, how we spend the majority of our time doing, as well as how we identify ourselves as. The work that you choose to do says something about you and impacts your worldview.

According to GatewayTMS the top 10 jobs with the highest rates of depression, identified by research, include:

  • Public and Private Transportation (16.2%)
  • Real Estate (15.7%)
  • Social Services (14.6%)
  • Manufacturing or Production (14.3%)
  • Personal Services (14.3%)
  • Legal Services (13.4%)
  • Environmental Administration and Waste Services (13.4%)
  • Organization and Association Administration (13.3%)
  • Security and Commodities Broker (12.6%)
  • Print and Publishing (12.4%)

If you are considering entering into any of the aforementioned job markets, know the risks before taking on one of these jobs. If you can, talk to someone who’s already in the field themselves. They can tell you their own experiences and give accounts of how the job affects their colleagues’ mental health. Knowing what you’re getting into is a crucial first step to thriving in a new job. Situating yourself in the right career path will give you lifelong rewards.

If you are currently in any of these fields, consider if you might be one of these statistics. Have you exhibited any signs of depression? Has a coworker, family, or friend mentioned that you seem a bit off lately? Asking your regular health physician if you are in need of a mental health evaluation is a great start. Depression can be a temporary ailment that is oftentimes treatable when caught early.


If you are feeling like you might be depressed, talking to a professional is the best way to proceed.

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