Is peace possible in bad times?   

Is peace possible in bad times?   


Contrary to popular belief, peace is not attained by manipulating circumstances.


🎯People think that if they could just rearrange their situation – find a new job, overcome depression, go on drugs – then life would be wonderful.

🎯But that kind of self-reliance is both misleading and unbiblical.


🎯We might arrive at a temporary calm, but fixing a problem outside of the Lord’s Will cannot provide lasting peace.

🎯God’s peace is available no matter how painful and hopeless your situation seems.

🎯A tranquil heart comes from trusting Him.


Pauline Joyce Meyer is an American Charismatic Christian author and speaker and president of Joyce Meyer Ministries.

💥She shares her experience: ‘I remember an evening when I was feeling strongly dissatisfied and discontented.

💥I had no peace or joy and was absolutely miserable. I read Romans chapter 15:13, and it was indeed “a word in season” for me.

💥My problem was simple: I was doubting instead of believing. I was doubting God’s unconditional love for me, doubting that I could hear from Him, doubting His call on my life, doubting that He was pleased with me.


💥I was filled with doubt… doubt… doubt.

💥When I saw the problem and got back into faith and out of doubt… my joy and peace returned immediately.

💥I’ve found the same thing to be true again and again in my life.

💥When my joy and peace seem to be gone, I check my believing—usually it is gone also.’


🎯Jesus promised peace for those who trust in Him, and He delivers on His promises.

🎯Our part is to take one day at a time and believe that He will carry us through.

🎯Our Father wants to see us demonstrate faith; we can depend on Him to meet our needs and bestow the divine peace that surpasses all comprehension



– Compiled from various sources

1 Comment
    Posted at 07:54h, 29 December

    It is emphatic affirmation,peace is possible in bad times if only we can have absolute trust in Almighty God,unwavering faith in His promises will deliver the peace that surpasses all comprehension indeed.