Getting David’s kind of mercy

Getting David’s kind of mercy

Mercy, which is associated with grace, compassion and kindness, among others, is simply receiving what we don’t deserve.

🎯This gesture from God is so powerful that He breaks all rules of man and nature to make it.


🎯After 38 years in his condition, Blind Bartimaeus was healed when he called on Jesus; and against the laws of the land, Jesus touched a leper, who fell at His feet for mercy, to heal him.

🎯Mercy is so important that God, who owes all the gold and silver on earth, measures his wealth in mercy. He says He is rich in mercy.


🎯God’s mercy on David, the shepherd boy who was anointed king despite attempts by his father to stop it, was special. It was sure, it was fixed, it was unchangeable.

🎯God’s mercy on David was like a covenant. According to the Scripture, the Lord said His covenant with David could only be broken if one could break the covenant of day and night to follow each other.

🎯The power of God’s mercy on David is shown in comparison with Saul’s, who was also made king despite his poor background.


🎯For showing partial obedience, Saul was dethroned but David, an adulterer and murderer was forgiven, and God’s mercy on Him subsisted; so did the promise of continuous kingship from his lineage.

Jesus, the King of kings and king forever is of David’s lineage.

The reason God’s mercy on David became permanent was that after the grievous sin of adultery and murder, he repented genuinely, as could be seen in Psalm 51.

🎯Even as a king, David was as humble as he was as a shepherded boy; and when he praised the Lord, it was with all his might.


🎯David was always grateful, never missing the opportunity to show appreciation

🎯He was a soul winner for God, always testifying and praising God. He is noted for saying, “I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear.”

🎯David was dedicated to God hundred percent; so much so that he was uncomfortable in his palace until he decided to build Him a temple.

💥Even when God rather wanted Solomon to build it because of the blood on David’s hands from the many wars he had fought, he supplied and the money and materials for the temple ahead of time.


🎯For all these qualities of David, God declared He had found a man after His own heart.

🎯We all desire to have permanent mercy like David, but it starts be surrendering our lives to God.


– From a sermon by Pastor Enoch Adeboye at the RCCG June Thanksgiving Service, held yesterday at the headquarters of the church in Yaba and broadcast to the world.

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