Caring for our Conscience

Caring for our Conscience

As powerful as our conscience can be, it can be swayed by our thoughts, experiences, and background.
🎯What matters most is getting it tuned to God’s standards – what is acceptable to God as the truth.

🎯Since Jesus is the truth, trusting Him is the first step toward developing a good conscience.


🎯When He comes into our life, He gives us a new heart and mind, which can understand and apply truth.

🎯Things we once considered acceptable, we now recognize as sinful.


🎯We also have the truth of God’s Word. As we let Scripture fill our mind, our “monitoring system” is sharpened.

🎯Then we filter thoughts and actions through the grid of God’s standard for right and wrong.

🎯In addition, we have been given the Holy Spirit, who works with our conscience to assist us in discriminating between righteousness and sin, goodness and evil.


🎯Thankfully, the Lord has given us everything we need to develop a good conscience, which is essential for living a godly life.

– With Dr. Charles Stanley

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