Benefits of intimacy wth God.

Benefits of intimacy wth God.

To be fully known by another person yet still cherished and accepted on both our good days and bad doesn’t come easy.

💥This kind of bond is hard to break since both people feel safe.


🎯Research shows that this level of love and acceptance is lacking in many instances. For one thing, it’s hard to love someone else unconditionally, much less multiple “someones.”

🎯And we might naturally fear others can’t love us that way, either. So perhaps we hold back, afraid to fully expose our heart, lest we be judged or rejected.


🎯But God invites us—and longs for us—to experience that kind of intimacy with Him.

🎯The Lord will also give us spiritual sensitivity and teach us to see people the way He does—as beloved children. We will then become more understanding and be able to extend the grace and mercy we ourselves have received

🎯What is the one step you can take to cultivate a more intimate relationship with the Lord? After all, that’s the foundation for everything else.


– With InTouch Ministries

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