2021: The most dangerous word!

2021: The most dangerous word!

Life’s most dangerous word is tomorrow.

🎯It sounds so innocent but tomorrow is the road that leads to a town called Never.


🎯Tomorrow is the barred and bolted door that shuts people out of Heaven.

🎯’Procrastination is the thief of time’. This is an old adage coined by the English writer Edward Young in his 10,000-line poem entitled: The Complaint: or, Night-Thoughts on Life, Death, & Immortality, more simply known as Night-Thoughts.


🎯Nothing gets done when we keep on pushing today to tomorrow

🎯Tomorrow is the devil’s word, and he has ripped-off so many people with his strategy.

🎯King Nebuchadnezzar had a full year to get his act together, a full year to repent. But he blew it off.


🎯Then one day he looked out from his balcony and said, “Look at this great city of Babylon! By my own mighty power, I have built this beautiful city as my royal residence to display my majestic splendor”

🎯The Bible says that “while these words were still in his mouth, a voice called down from heaven, ‘O King Nebuchadnezzar, this message is for you! You are no longer ruler of this kingdom’”

🎯Then he lost his mind and went out into a field and ate grass like an animal.

🎯But God was gracious to Nebuchadnezzar, and he returned to his senses.


🎯God is forever gracious but the best time to surrender to Him is now.

🎯When we breathe our last, there is no such opportunity again; there is no tomorrow to right our relationship with Him

🎯Whatever our hand finds to do, we must do it with all our might, for in the realm of the dead, there is neither working nor planning; and no tomorrow!



– With Greg Laurie

  • Kehinde Adekunle
    Posted at 15:40h, 23 January

    Help me oh Lord, never to waste my time on unnecessary things.

    Posted at 11:11h, 24 January

    Time waits for no one,it is now or never,let us seek Him the LORD first and all things will be unto us,so says the Holy Bible,for it is better to go to Heaven a poor man than to go to hell a rich man,a word is enough for the wise one.