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When it comes to sharing your faith, one of your most effective tools is your personal testimony. 🎯A testimony builds bridges. It’s a way to connect with others so they can see how you came to...

Storms can seemingly come out of nowhere, and that can be true of life as well. 🎯It might be a hardship. It might be anxiety. Or it might be a tragedy. 🎯But it is something that comes...

The story of David and Goliath is one of the favorites in the Bible. 💥We love to tell it to our children, but it isn’t a fairytale. 💥It’s the story of a young boy named David whose...

Lying has become so common in many societies that it is becoming an acceptable human behavior. 🎯We often hear excuses like, “Oh, but everybody lies? 🎯People lie when they have been caught doing something wrong; to save...

Moses was God’s choice to free his people from bondage despite the fact that he was a has-been, a failure. 🎯It seems that God always goes out of His way to choose the most unlikely candidates...

In an unbelievable turn of events, Joseph went from prison to occupying the second-most powerful position in the world, ruling over Egypt’s food supply. 💥An amazing story. But there is something more amazing that reveals “Joseph’s...