Daily Inspiration

Uncommon Miracles are divine intervention in the affairs of men. 🎯When God wants to perform a miracle, He suspends the law, does what He wants to do, and then He restores the law. 🎯The adjective ‘Uncommon' suggests...

If a single wonder of God is enough in a man’s life why then would God perform multiple wonders? 🎯To show His supremacy over and above all His enemies. 🎯The Almighty God performs multiple wonders to subdue...

Sometimes when we have problems, we withdraw from normal life and spend all our time obsessing and trying to solve them. 🎯We talk about them to anyone who will listen. All this is an unproductive activity...

When we have been hurt, our first instinct is to retaliate. We know it’s wrong because the Bible says we must forgive in order to be forgiven. 🎯The only real power you have over someone who...

No one likes to be in need. But from the Lord’s perspective, that situation can be spiritually beneficial. 🎯When the bottom drops out of our imaginary security bubble, we discover the reality that all provision comes...

At least to some degree, most of us value appearances, whether it has to do with physical looks or an air of competence at work. 💥As a result, it’s easy to compare ourselves with those around...

The greatest secret of success is divine presence in your life; to have God in your life. For all seven days they marched around the wall of Jericho, God insisted that they carried the Ark...

When you knowingly sin, it puts your body under stress. There is actually no such thing as a ‘lie detector test’. God designed our system to glorify Him 🎯So when you sin, it negatively impacts your...

The Bible talks so much about Solomon’s wisdom because it’s not human wisdom raised to a supernatural height; it’s supernatural wisdom lowered to human understanding. 🎯Along those lines, American preacher Haddon Robinson observes: ‘Since 1955, knowledge...