The Sunday Devotional: Unavoidable encounters in life (2).

The Sunday Devotional: Unavoidable encounters in life (2).

There are two groups of people we usually encounter in life.
🎯The wrong people who hurt us:
💥They are the VNPs – Very Needy People, Very Negative People, and Very Needling People.
💥There are also the VDPs – Very Draining People, Very Doubting People, and Very Distracting People.
💥Despite their attitude, we are supposed to love them and help them any way we can, but never be influenced or led by them.
💥We can encourage them, but when they start to pull us down instead of lifting you up, we have to disconnect graciously and turn them over to God.
🎯The right people help us:
💥When God has a job to be done, He calls a man or woman to do it.
💥But He seldom calls them alone; He calls others to stand with them and support them.
💥That means our willingness to reach for help isn’t a sign of weakness, but strength.
💥Apostle Paul spent an entire chapter in the New Testament acknowledging the people who helped him fulfill his vision.
💥He said to the Philippians: ‘Every time I think of you, I give thanks… Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now.’

– With Bob Gass Ministry

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