Why worry about Worry?       

Why worry about Worry?       

Worrying, the pastime of many people, is as wasteful as it is harmful.

🎯Mental worry can affect our bodies, by inflicting all manner of diseases, including mental and heart problems, on us.


🎯Psychologists say your worry is more lethal than what you worry about

💥If we live long enough we will go through overwhelming situations – some back to back.


🎯There are all manners of worries that cause stress and emotional disorder.

🎯Worrying is traumatic emotionally.

🎯But if we know who we are as children of God, we don’t have to worry.


🎯All creation is of great value to God.

💥His provision for even the smallest of His creations — birds and flowers — gives us assurance that He will not neglect those who have been made in His image.

💥God, who knows us best will, in all things, guides us toward His preferable future for our lives.

🎯Jesus offers a simple test about worrying:


💥He asks, can worry add a single hour to your life?

💥No. In fact, worry will most likely subtract hours from it instead.

🎯Worry has no productive value.

🎯Worry is an indicator of our level of faith and trust in God.


🎯True wealth can’t be held in our hands.

💥While our concern is almost always for the things of this world, our Father’s greatest desire is to give us Kingdom wealth.

🎯So, why worry yourself about worry?

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