When we hit the rock-bottom!

When we hit the rock-bottom!

Tired of being chased for years and running from King Saul there was no indication that things would change, so David began to despair.

🎯Though God had promised to prosper him, his trust faltered. Sometimes, that is how we feel.


🎯We know that God has promised good things for those who wait on Him and that every promise of His is “yes” in Christ but our faith, like David’s, wavers.

🎯Israel’s future king assessed his options and chose the “best” one—to form an alliance with the godless Philistines.


🎯By moving from faith to human reasoning, David stepped out of the Lord’s will and joined with the enemies of God’s people.

🎯And in doing so, he compromised the very thing to which he had committed himself—being Israel’s leader.

🎯Fortunately, when you hit bottom as David did, there is a way back. Focusing on the Lord can lead you out of discouragement and into His presence.


💥Confess your lack of faith, receive God’s forgiveness, and pledge to follow Him.

đź’ĄNext, strengthen yourself in the Lord: Recall His past faithfulness, reflect upon His power, and remember His promises.

đź’ĄFinally, resolve to trust God for the future, and ask His Holy Spirit for help.

– With Dr Charles Stanley

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