The snare called fear!

The snare called fear!

Although some people hide theirs better, fear and anxiety confront us on every side – wars and violence, crime and diseases, job or boss problems, practical relationship issues, an uncertain future, financial pressures.
🎯In many ways, fear is also fostered by concerns over what others might say or do.
🎯But the Bible reminds us that fear of other people causes us to falter because it “brings a snare.”
🎯The Hebrew word ‘snare’ here suggests a noose or hook used for catching animals.
🎯In other words, fear literally can hook us in and draw us deeper as if we were caught by a noose.
🎯This fear distracts, traps, and controls us.
🎯The scriptures encourage us not to give in to worry and fear, no matter no matter the circumstances, whether or not we feel threatened.
🎯Our greatest defense and protection is to trust God when we face challenges.
Our greatest weapon is not giving in to fear or anger, but resting in Him and letting Him defend and protect us.
🎯We don’t have to be snared by fear; we have to commit our needs to Him. Make Him the Rock on whom you depend.
🎯It is said that “Fear Not,” is used in the Bible 365 times – enough to take one dose a day.

– With Inspiration Ministries

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