The joy of living in purpose

The joy of living in purpose

When things look really bad in our lives, sometimes bad appears to be good.

🎯We could be swirling around in a vicious circle and feel all is well.


🎯Sometimes we accept the process or the journey as our destination.

🎯Joseph’s life was a chain of adversities- from a well into slavery, into a househelp and into a dungeon in prison.


🎯But living in God’s purpose, his adversities were indeed steps of progression.

🎯God’s gift for him to achieve his purpose was intact even in calamity

🎯And he deployed the gift, even in the adversities, without lamenting


🎯In what looked like an oxymoron, he was gifted but was still in prison until the said time when he transformed overnight into a Prime Minister.

🎯When we live and delight in God’s purpose, His gift cannot be destroyed.

💥No enemy can destroy it; no witch, no demon can.

🎯Painful experiences are just part of the process, incapable of destroying the indestructible gift of God.


🎯But it is extremely important that we don’t make song and dance of the process by mistaking it for the purpose, or have pity party over adversity.

🎯In one shinny moment in the end, we notice to God’s glory, that what was meant to destroy us, God meant for our good.

– Written from a sermon by TD Jakes

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