Rejection helps us fulfill destiny 

Rejection helps us fulfill destiny 

It is amazing how things, including pain, play out to fulfill prophecy and destiny.

🎯When Mary was heavily pregnant of Jesus, a decree was issued for a census to be taken of the entire Roman world; and everyone had to go to their own town to register.


🎯So Joseph and Mary had to leave Nazareth in Galilee to Bethlehem, the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David.

💥It had long been prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem!


🎯After some 90 miles and 7 days (some accounts say 5 days), there was no vacancy in any of the inns there for them on arrival. REJECTED!

🎯An innkeeper directed them to a barn or cave, where cattle were kept, to spend the night.

🎯While there, Jesus was born and placed in a manger.


💥There in the poor, humble surroundings, the Son of God made His grand entry into the history of the world. Rejected!

🎯But while in the manger, God had sent a word to the wise men to move till they saw a child lying in a manger.

💥If Jesus had been lying in comfort somewhere else, He would have missed His blessing. 💥The Bible says that the wise men had frankincense, myrrh, and gold.

🎯The pain of rejection and the discomfort of the manger were just the beginning.


💥Jesus would spend a lifetime being rejected.

💥He would spend a lifetime of coming to his own and his own people not receiving him,

💥He would spend a lifetime being rejected by even some of the disciples that he poured into,

💥He would spend a lifetime being rejected and that was how He ended up on the cross – Rejected but it fulfilled a promise, prophecy and destiny.


🎯How you handle rejection could determine whether you will be successful in life .

🎯Rejection is the place where faith is proven

🎯Rejection is the magnetometer that you must go through to prove that you can take the flight that God’s about to put you on.

From a practical perspective, rejection affects your self-esteem, your confidence.


🎯Rejection can bring up every negative thing that has ever been said about you in your whole life and make you miserable,

🎯But it keeps you on the path to your destiny. If some doors don’t shut in your our face, you would take wrong directions; take the easy road to self-ruin.

💥Rejection is not as bad as it first looks; in the face of rejection we have to continue to trust God.

🎯Oftentimes, the blessing isn’t coming to your hotel; the blessing is coming to the barn, the manger!

– From various sources

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