God Is Always With Us!

God Is Always With Us!

Sometimes, especially when we are in crisis, we find no indication of God’s presence in your lives.

🎯We all long to experience Him abiding with us personally and intimately, and when we can’t sense His closeness, we may think something is wrong in our relationship.


🎯 The Lord appeared to prophets like Moses, Jeremiah, and Isaiah to give them His messages for the people. He still appears to some people in other forms

🎯Today, the revelation of God is mostly available to us in His written Word.


🎯In addition, believers in Jesus Christ have also been indwelt by the Comforter-God, the Holy Spirit, who is always with us, though we’re not usually aware of Him in an overt way.

🎯Sometimes we sense His presence to a greater or lesser degree, but this is not something we can orchestrate or manipulate.

🎯But the truth is that we are called to walk by faith, not by experience.


🎯The Lord has assured us He will be with us always even to the end of the age. He is always there for us if we are His children.

🎯We are assured by remembering His goodness to us in the past.

💥When you start thinking about all the good things He’s already done in your life, your spirit will be lifted and your anxiety eased.

🎯By remembering God’s closeness in the present: The truth is, He is with you whether or not you feel His nearness.


💥He said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’

🎯 By remembering God’s power for the future because He never changes.

– With multiple sources

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