Abel spent the next several days talking with police, immigration officials, UN agencies and a couple of British investigative journalists about his next destination: Mali. After his experience in the Canary Islands, Abel didn’t want to...

The Marriott on Westminster Bridge Road was a hotel Abel fancied ever since he saw it in Eddy Murphy’s film, “Coming to America”. It wasn’t just the impression it had made on screen. Abel felt safe...

CHAPTER TWELVE When Abel woke up two hours later, he tried to get out of bed. He had work to do. The attack meant he was getting close to something and that Alice might be in...

Safely away from Yaba on the Third Mainland Bridge, Abel breathed more easily. The encounter with Winston had shaken him. And he was not easily thrown off balance. But he would not let anything deter...

That Winston Udor was a dictator in his own household was obvious from what both Alice and her mother told Abel. This only made Abel more determined to confront the man. As a reporter, he...