2021: Reasons never to give up!

2021: Reasons never to give up!

* A study shows the most productive age in a man’s life is 60 – 70.

🎯The reasons for you not to give up are many! There are spiritual, physical and scientific reasons to show that the best may be in your latter years!


🎯The Scripture says, “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.”

💥One of the favourite blessings of Pastor Enoch Adeboye is that the latter years will be greater; and many people have testified to its efficacy.


💥Moses had resigned to fate at 80, when God called him for one of the most challenging assignments in history

💥After losing everything except his life, Job was finished but he bounced back in a spectacular way.

🎯Practically, why should companies recruit people over 50 for senior and responsible positions?


💥Because they are more productive than those below 50!

💥A massive study in America found that the most productive age in a man’s life is 60 – 70.

💥From 70 – 80 is the second most productive age.

💥The third most productive age is 50 – 60.


🎯The average age of a Nobel Prize winner is 62.

🎯The average age of a CEO in a Fortune 500 company is 63.

🎯The average age of the pastors of the 100 biggest churches in America is 71.

🎯The average age of Popes is 76.


🎯This tells us that, somehow, God has designed that the best years of your life are 60 – 80!

🎯It is when you do your best work.

💥A study found that at 60 you reach your peak of potential and continue up to 80!

🎯So, if you are between 60 – 70, or 70-80, you may have the best and second best years of your life with you!



– From various sources

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1 Comment
    Posted at 13:07h, 11 January

    It is a practical thing,at 60 to 70 nothing shakes a man because of the massive experiece he has garnered,and then he puts them into production,of course the results are usually massive.So i agree with the various study and the Scriptural exposition.